Thursday, January 29, 2009

Client Meeting

So far i had almost finished my i-web but than somebody deleted it. So i had to start over again this term. It is not so hard. But it does take a lot of time. I am going to try to make a lot of pages. My design isn't like my drawing plan was but i think that it is better than i planned it to be. My topic was about hurricanes i have made an i-web that was deleted, i did a lot of research and found videos and pictures. I have pictures and videos but i am going to put on music and i am going to put a font that has to do with hurricanes. It doesn't have five pages yet but it soon will. I-web has music, videos and pictures and backgrounds and fonts. Everything is working except that it got deleted. No i don't have an emergency plan.


Dylan said...

it would be good to get some images! :P

Felix S. said...


Rami said...

IS7AAAAQQQQ±±±± Nice game CRASH DRIVE 3D :D anyways... Include picz ... Thats all lool... ><> FISH!

Ilhem said...

good detail need a few pics

Hessa said...

u Need pic :S

ManuelC said...

Where are da pics???
